
My weekend!

Hi, there!
Did you have a good day?
Hope you have a good rest during the long weekend!

This time, I am going to write about my weekend:)
On Saturday, I did not go anywhere and just relaxed all day long at home.
I have got some work to do so i did them in order to have fun in the rest of the long weekend.
I did not finish all of them off after all...!

On Sunday, I have got lots of stuff from shopping;)
I went to Ikebukuro and walked around my favorite shops there.
I usually go by myself when i go out for shopping. Some people say it is strange, but i prefer going alone when i want to buy clothes!
Anyway, i did not have a lot of clothes, so i was getting trouble with my clothes every morning.
Going shopping is one of my favorite things to do. Although sometimes it takes very long time to decide to buy clothes, looking around and finding pretty clothes is really enjoyable:) I had good time today!

I still have a day off.
I think i need to work out my homework as soon as possiblex(!!!

See you on Tuesday, Everyone!


My poem:)

White Bed

The white bed calls to me.
Its sweet softness seduces my heart.

Oh, how i want to sleep with my fluffy pillow.
Oh, how i want take a pleasant dream.

Alas, I cannot.

Damn the university assignment!
Damn the university assignment!

Thank you.


My First Post!!!

Hi! I have just started my blog;)
I am going to post once a week from now on!
Hope you enjoy my writing!!
Thank you!