
A vampire from Romania

How was your weekends?
I made curry and baked apples with my uni friends as SISEC activity!
It was so much fun and was a good experience for me:) I made lots of friends.

This time, I would like write about the vampire from Romania.
I think most of you come up with Romania when hearing the word "vampires".
In Romania, there is a large number of vampire legends.
Most well-known vampires in Romania is ストリゴイ (I don't know the spelling, sorry).
People those who......
・commited a suicide while living
・commited a crime
・are witches
・killed by vampires
・were the seventh son
・could not married with a partner who they really love
                                                                        become ストリゴイ after they passed away.
Also, dead bodies which jumped over by black cats will be ストリゴイ according to the legend in Romania.

I am getting scary while thinking about vampires...........
wondering if i can sleep by myself tonight.....

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