
Arisa Ozawa is.........

How you doing?
I am alright but depressed about the exams and assignments a little bit.....
but It is okay! I am going to make it through!
The weekends were very hot and humid.
I am missing the summer climate in Australia....nice sunny and beautiful sea...
On Saturday, I was being at home all day long, which is one of my favotite habits.
On Sunday, I went quick shoping to buy Yukata with my mother. Because I am going to see fireworks next Saturday, I need to prepare it:) I have not seen fireworks for a long long time. looking forward to it!  

In this post, I would like to introduce my writing which I did in last speaking class.
I wrote about myself. Hope you enjoy it!

Arisa Ozawa is a funny person.
Her height is as small as an ant,
her voice is as big as an elephant.
And her face never stop smiling,
and her month never stop chatting.

Do you see my personality from this poem?


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