
You will fail to have a great career because.........

Hi, everyone!
How are you doing?
What did you do during the weekends?
I was not feeling well on Saturday. I think it was because of lack of sleep.
Nearly everyone is facing a lot of work to do and they do not have enough sleep.
So please be careful! Take a rest as much as you can in your free time.

Time flies by! Today is the last day of June!
That means my summer vacations is around the corner!! I am very looking forward to it!

In this post, I would like to share what I have found during the weekends.
Do you know TED? I am sure many of you know TED as one of the movie.
But I am not going to talk about it now.
I am talking about TED which stands for Technology Entertainment Design.
Many people from different field came to TED and gives a presentation.
The context of presentation is quiet interesting!
The first time I watched TED was when I was a high school student.
My friends recommended these movies to me and I was watching.
But by the time I graduated from high school, I did not watch them. Now, I think the reason why I stopped watching is because sometimes it was pretty hard for me to understand what a speaker was saying. During the weekends, I suddenly recalled TED and felt like watching them.
It is been a while to watch TED, still could not understand some parts but here is my recommendation.

The title is "Why you will fail to have a great career".
It is very interesting theme, Isn't it?
This presentaion was made by Larry Smith who has a very unique voice, I reckon.
What I want to say about it is those who have lost their way should watch this presentation, just like people who knows what they want to do but they are not going to work it out futher, or people who think they just live their lives and do nothing.

After I watched this presentation, I was very inspired with PASSION.
You can watch it with Japanese subtitle, too!
Anyway, if you are interested in it even a little bit, you definitely should watch it!


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