
My University Life

Hi, there!
How are you doing? Did you have a good time during the weekends?
On Saturday, I went to my high school to attend the meeting. My high school has a system that students allow to go overseas to study for a year as exchange students. In my grade, there were about 20 students (Including me!)were going to some foreign countries for a year. The meeting was for the high school students who were studying overseas from last June til this June(Just like I did). They just came back to Japan this month! At the meeting, I explained what I did for preparation of university entrance exams and How is my uni life going. I also listened to the students' life in Foreign countries. Nearly everyone said they have gained so much weight compare with before they leave. I used to have the same problem just after I came back to Japan! They told lots of unique experiences each other. I was pretty happy to listen to these stories.
On Sunday, I was staying at home all day long. While studying, I was thinking "one thing" very deeply. "One thing" is about my unievrsity life, for example, Is my uni life going well so far?, Am I studying what I wanted to study?, and Am I getting used to uni? To answer these questions, I was thinking very deeply. So in this post, I would like to share my answers of the questions.
First question, Is my uni life well so far?
-Well, it is okay. It is going well. I have made so many good friends not only department of English Literature but also other departmets. It is good for me to talk with particular friends, of course. But, on the other hand, it is also fun to talk with friends who I do not see often. I can get new and different informationa from them. My circle has been great! I am getting closer and closer with international students and 先輩. It made me happy when they said hello to me at the Campas. University is quiet different from high school. Everyone takes own classes which could differ from mine. Nearly half of my classes carry out in English. Of course more assignments have come to my life. Although there are many differences between high school life and university life, I have been okay with them. I mean I could deal with them so far.
Second question, Am I studying what I wanted to study?
-Yes. But some of them are very new things to me, for example, christian class and history of language "English" class. What I was really looking forward to learning in my first university year is British culture class, Second language acquisition class and Chinese class. They are enjoyable to learn. Since I have many Chinese friends, I really want to be able to communicate in Chinese! It is surprising that everyone has no hesitation to talk in English in my speaking class. I am very satisfied with this surrounding.
Third question, Am I getting used to university.
-Well......I don't think I have got used to it perfectly. The reason is mainly my bad time management. I often took a long rest even though my assignments' due was coming very soon. After all, I  had not had enough sleep and took a nap in the library on the next day. Well.....I need to be hardworking. Besides Study or Assignments, I am getting used to university life!

So, thats what I was thinking on Sunday. Hope you enjoyed my writing and see you tomorrow!     

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