
My weekend!

Hello, everyone!
How are you? Did you have a good weekend?

This time, I wouold like to write about my circle, SISEC!
Do you know about SISEC? or have you heard of SISEC before?

There are more than 100 students in SISEC. Our first aim is getting know with foreign students who study in Sophia university. We hold events twice or three times a month. Every event is very interesting and entertaining. The events that I have been so far is Sports day, All Sophians Day, Going to Ueno Zoo and Making curry at the park. At the Events, We are devided into several groups. Each group is about 6 or 7 people and 1 or 2 international students. Through the Events, we get to know each other and became good friends in the end. I am so surprised at foreign students' Japanese! They speak in Japanese very fluently. I have no problem to communicate with them in Japanese. As a result. I can ask questuions about English in Japanese to them, for example, nuances. It actually helps my study a lot because sometimes it is hard to understand nuances in learning foreign languages. However, Some of the international students who have studied at Sophia university are going back to their home country in this August or September. We gonna do farewell party for them at summer camp. It is too sad to say goodbye. Although it is fvery short time to spend with them, I had wonderful experiences with them.Inthe beining of Second semester, Many international students are coming to Sophia university. I am very looking forward to seeing with them! During the whole year, we gonna go through so many events, for example, summer festival, Cruising, clambing mountain, Holleween party, Chiristmas party, agreeting New year! I believe all of them are going to make my university life special and precious. At the same time, I will be quiet happy to be part of memories in foreign students' staying.

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