
Assignments:( Exams:(

Hello, how are you?
Summer vacation is coming soon!
Have you planed anything so far?
I have got plenty of things to do! It's gonna be a fantastic summer:D

Last Saturday afternoon, I went to hang out with my chinese friend who is from China. We have known each other more than a year. She is one of my friends who I have met in Australia.
She is so smart that she is going to an university which is one of best universities in Australia.
Since I have not talked with her for a long time, I have got so many things to tell.
Things have changed since we met last time, I have become an university student.
She have become an university student too and begun to live by herself in the big city.
We went to Shibuya. We had a lunch there and went shopping afterward.
The most enjoyable time is when we were talking. We were just telling what has happned while not seeing each other. It is funny feeling that I was talking with her in Tokyo. Also, I showed my chinese to her. She comlimented me on my pronunciation. I was really happy with it because chinese pronunciation is said to be very hard.

Last Sunday, I was studying for exams which is coming from next Wednesday.
Since I has enter this department, It has been great but also tough for me.
I have met good friends and interesting professors.
The subjects which I am taking this semester are very enjoyable to learn.
However, The number of assignmnets are beyond my expectations.
I think I am studying more than when I was a high school student.
I have encountered assignments one after another. It does not happen just to me, to everyone in this depertment.
At first I hated it. What I am usually doing on Sunday is facing assignments.
I was always thinking I wanted to go out with my friends, talking with them, having a meal outside.
The most difficult part is not just English, is expressing my own opinions.
But by the time flies, I has become to like this learning environment.
I am not the only one who is suffering from the plenty of assignments.
Every student in this department is fighting with their own work day after day.
Everyone around me is hard working. They try very hard to close to their dream.
They actually have been inspire me a lot.
Thank you, my friends.  


My summer vacation

Hi, there!
How are you?
Did you have a good rest during the weekends?

The exams are around the corner......
I am so afraid of them.....This is my FIRST TIME to take exams at Sophia.
All I can do is to do my best!! yes!

Have you planed anything during this summer vacation?
This post is going to be my lists that I am going to do during this summer holidays!

Plan 1 SISEC summer camp!
I am going to participate in my circle summer camp which will be held from 1st to 3rd of August!
This is my first time to go to camp with my circle members! Everyone says it is going to be really really good memory. I have not got the details about what I am going to go during the camp but I am so looking forward to it:) While we are going to make precious memories, we have to say goodbye to the most of the international students. Nearly everyone is going to go back to their country in August or September. Although I have spent a few months with them,  they inspired me in many ways.
I really want them to enjoy the summer camp as the last memory of their staying in Japan:)

Plan 2 Taiwan!
I have decided to go to Taiwan! This is going to be my first visiting to Taiwan. Since I really wanted to go there, I am so happy and keen to it! The reason why I am going there is not just because of sightseeings. It is because I want to learn Chinese!!!! So, I am going to the university which is located Taipei to participate in the Chinese summer program! At the program, There are people who come from different countries so that I can make not only Taiwanese friends but also many different countries' friends! however, I have just started to learn Chinese...I can only introduce myself in Chinese....but obviously that is not enough!
Anyway, It must be a good jorney!

That is what I am planing to do so far. I have got for about 2 months vacation, which is very long.
I do not want to waste my time so I am now thinking what I want to do and making it clear!


Arisa Ozawa is.........

How you doing?
I am alright but depressed about the exams and assignments a little bit.....
but It is okay! I am going to make it through!
The weekends were very hot and humid.
I am missing the summer climate in Australia....nice sunny and beautiful sea...
On Saturday, I was being at home all day long, which is one of my favotite habits.
On Sunday, I went quick shoping to buy Yukata with my mother. Because I am going to see fireworks next Saturday, I need to prepare it:) I have not seen fireworks for a long long time. looking forward to it!  

In this post, I would like to introduce my writing which I did in last speaking class.
I wrote about myself. Hope you enjoy it!

Arisa Ozawa is a funny person.
Her height is as small as an ant,
her voice is as big as an elephant.
And her face never stop smiling,
and her month never stop chatting.

Do you see my personality from this poem?



You will fail to have a great career because.........

Hi, everyone!
How are you doing?
What did you do during the weekends?
I was not feeling well on Saturday. I think it was because of lack of sleep.
Nearly everyone is facing a lot of work to do and they do not have enough sleep.
So please be careful! Take a rest as much as you can in your free time.

Time flies by! Today is the last day of June!
That means my summer vacations is around the corner!! I am very looking forward to it!

In this post, I would like to share what I have found during the weekends.
Do you know TED? I am sure many of you know TED as one of the movie.
But I am not going to talk about it now.
I am talking about TED which stands for Technology Entertainment Design.
Many people from different field came to TED and gives a presentation.
The context of presentation is quiet interesting!
The first time I watched TED was when I was a high school student.
My friends recommended these movies to me and I was watching.
But by the time I graduated from high school, I did not watch them. Now, I think the reason why I stopped watching is because sometimes it was pretty hard for me to understand what a speaker was saying. During the weekends, I suddenly recalled TED and felt like watching them.
It is been a while to watch TED, still could not understand some parts but here is my recommendation.

The title is "Why you will fail to have a great career".
It is very interesting theme, Isn't it?
This presentaion was made by Larry Smith who has a very unique voice, I reckon.
What I want to say about it is those who have lost their way should watch this presentation, just like people who knows what they want to do but they are not going to work it out futher, or people who think they just live their lives and do nothing.

After I watched this presentation, I was very inspired with PASSION.
You can watch it with Japanese subtitle, too!
Anyway, if you are interested in it even a little bit, you definitely should watch it!



My University Life

Hi, there!
How are you doing? Did you have a good time during the weekends?
On Saturday, I went to my high school to attend the meeting. My high school has a system that students allow to go overseas to study for a year as exchange students. In my grade, there were about 20 students (Including me!)were going to some foreign countries for a year. The meeting was for the high school students who were studying overseas from last June til this June(Just like I did). They just came back to Japan this month! At the meeting, I explained what I did for preparation of university entrance exams and How is my uni life going. I also listened to the students' life in Foreign countries. Nearly everyone said they have gained so much weight compare with before they leave. I used to have the same problem just after I came back to Japan! They told lots of unique experiences each other. I was pretty happy to listen to these stories.
On Sunday, I was staying at home all day long. While studying, I was thinking "one thing" very deeply. "One thing" is about my unievrsity life, for example, Is my uni life going well so far?, Am I studying what I wanted to study?, and Am I getting used to uni? To answer these questions, I was thinking very deeply. So in this post, I would like to share my answers of the questions.
First question, Is my uni life well so far?
-Well, it is okay. It is going well. I have made so many good friends not only department of English Literature but also other departmets. It is good for me to talk with particular friends, of course. But, on the other hand, it is also fun to talk with friends who I do not see often. I can get new and different informationa from them. My circle has been great! I am getting closer and closer with international students and 先輩. It made me happy when they said hello to me at the Campas. University is quiet different from high school. Everyone takes own classes which could differ from mine. Nearly half of my classes carry out in English. Of course more assignments have come to my life. Although there are many differences between high school life and university life, I have been okay with them. I mean I could deal with them so far.
Second question, Am I studying what I wanted to study?
-Yes. But some of them are very new things to me, for example, christian class and history of language "English" class. What I was really looking forward to learning in my first university year is British culture class, Second language acquisition class and Chinese class. They are enjoyable to learn. Since I have many Chinese friends, I really want to be able to communicate in Chinese! It is surprising that everyone has no hesitation to talk in English in my speaking class. I am very satisfied with this surrounding.
Third question, Am I getting used to university.
-Well......I don't think I have got used to it perfectly. The reason is mainly my bad time management. I often took a long rest even though my assignments' due was coming very soon. After all, I  had not had enough sleep and took a nap in the library on the next day. Well.....I need to be hardworking. Besides Study or Assignments, I am getting used to university life!

So, thats what I was thinking on Sunday. Hope you enjoyed my writing and see you tomorrow!     


My weekend!

Hello, everyone!
How are you? Did you have a good weekend?

This time, I wouold like to write about my circle, SISEC!
Do you know about SISEC? or have you heard of SISEC before?

There are more than 100 students in SISEC. Our first aim is getting know with foreign students who study in Sophia university. We hold events twice or three times a month. Every event is very interesting and entertaining. The events that I have been so far is Sports day, All Sophians Day, Going to Ueno Zoo and Making curry at the park. At the Events, We are devided into several groups. Each group is about 6 or 7 people and 1 or 2 international students. Through the Events, we get to know each other and became good friends in the end. I am so surprised at foreign students' Japanese! They speak in Japanese very fluently. I have no problem to communicate with them in Japanese. As a result. I can ask questuions about English in Japanese to them, for example, nuances. It actually helps my study a lot because sometimes it is hard to understand nuances in learning foreign languages. However, Some of the international students who have studied at Sophia university are going back to their home country in this August or September. We gonna do farewell party for them at summer camp. It is too sad to say goodbye. Although it is fvery short time to spend with them, I had wonderful experiences with them.Inthe beining of Second semester, Many international students are coming to Sophia university. I am very looking forward to seeing with them! During the whole year, we gonna go through so many events, for example, summer festival, Cruising, clambing mountain, Holleween party, Chiristmas party, agreeting New year! I believe all of them are going to make my university life special and precious. At the same time, I will be quiet happy to be part of memories in foreign students' staying.


My weekend!

Hello, Everyone!
How's going??
I hope everyone had a good weekend!

In this post, I am going to write about what I have done during this weekend!
On Saturday, I went to Ikebukuro for shopping! Since I had been pretty busy with my study last week, I was really looking forward to coming the weekend and was ready to have a good time!
I have got many clothes, some T-shirts, a pair of trousers, some sandal shoes.......
When it comes to choosing clothes, I am totally indecisive person. In other words, I spend a lot of time to think about if I get the clothes or not. Even after I decided to buy the clothes, I still think about colour. As a result of it, When I got home from Shopping, I was tired of thinking! but this is much more fun than doing assignments!!
I went to SISEC SPORTS DAY on Sunday! This is TOO MUCH FUN! I really enjoyed the time with my friends at SISEC. Although I was worried that I am so poor at doing any kind of sports, they did not care about it at all. We devided into two groups, which are white and red group. I was in White group. We did many sports, made many new friends, enjoyed taking! At the end, we did relay race, which everyone was participated in. The white group won in this sports day! I was very happy with it! However, just arriving home, I realized that I was exhausted. I did not have any power. I though I better go to bed early! So I am going to bed now!

Good night!


My favorite Song!

Hi, everyone:)
How are you doing?
I have got a lot of work to do so I was being at home and facing university assignments!!!

This time, I would like to introduce my favorite song and my story related to the song:)
My favorite song is called "Price tag" by Jessie J (feat B.O.B) .
She was born in London and has become one of the most world famous English singer.
I listened to this song for the first time when I was in the 11th grade.

Here is the lyrics of this song. I don't write whole lyrics of the song because it's very long!

Seems like everybody's got a price
I wonder how they sleep at night
When the sale comes first
And The truth comes second
Just stop for a minute
And smile

Why is everybody so serious
Acting so damn mysterious
Got your shades on your eyes
and your heels so high
That you can't even have a good time

(1) Everybody look to their left
Everybody look to their right
Can you feel that?
We're paying with love tonight
It's not about the money money money
We don't need your money money money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the Price Tag
Ain't about the Cha-Ching Cha-Ching
Ain't about the Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance
Forget about the Price Tag

We need to take it back in time
When music made us all unite
And it wasn't low blows and video hoes
Am I the only one getting tired?
Why is everybody so obsessed
Money can't buy us happiness
Can we all slow down and enjoy right now
Guarantee we'll be feeling alright

Repeat (1)  

What do you think of this song?
I really would like you to listen to this song even if you don't like the lyrics.

The reason why I like this song is because the lyrics is meaningful to me.
During my staying in Australia, I had been facing difficulities of study and I used to get in panic.
My brain was going to explode with all the nagative feelings.
Thinking too much, but finding no appropriciate answer there.
One day, my host family told me to listen to this song and gave me the lyrics.
I used to tend to think that I should do all of things perfectly.
I pushed myself too hard and I am filled with too much pressure.
However, the lyrics of this song gave clue to live better life to me.
Let's go slowly, don't think about the others or the grade too much....
My host family pushed me to the right step and always supported me.
At the end of my life in Australia, they gave me an important message.

"When you are struggling with any difficulities, you mustn't be afraid of failture.
All you should do is to do your best. Enjoy your life!"

Each time I listen to this song, it reminds me of every sigle sweet and bitter memories from the time in Australia. It's been almost a year since I felt there. I miss my host family, friends and teachers in Adelaide.


Galloping Foxley

I think the man who was thought to be Foxley is the real Foxley.
Actually there is no particular reason for this but it would be funny if the man was the real Foxley.


"My name is Perkins......" he said.

After a few silent seconds, I felt like flating in the air. His name remained in my mind with heartbeat. He, William Perkins is the man who I bullied in our school days. I totally lost my control. I was in a panic. But I tried to pretend to be cool as much as possible.

It is totally true that I made his school life wreched.
It is totally true that I treated him as a slave.

However, All what I had done to him is all what I had been done by my senior boss.
In those days, it is usual for the students in our school to make own slave from among the lower-grade students. I had got so many bruises and mental problems during my first grade year.

After graduating, I met the man who used to bully me. As soon as I recognized him, all the anger from throughout the body came into my head. That made me introduce myself to the man. BUT, he made a fake name. He run away from this situaton!

So, I decided to make a different name in order not to get into a trouble. I am sure that he is gonna revenge if he knows who I am. 


A vampire from Romania

How was your weekends?
I made curry and baked apples with my uni friends as SISEC activity!
It was so much fun and was a good experience for me:) I made lots of friends.

This time, I would like write about the vampire from Romania.
I think most of you come up with Romania when hearing the word "vampires".
In Romania, there is a large number of vampire legends.
Most well-known vampires in Romania is ストリゴイ (I don't know the spelling, sorry).
People those who......
・commited a suicide while living
・commited a crime
・are witches
・killed by vampires
・were the seventh son
・could not married with a partner who they really love
                                                                        become ストリゴイ after they passed away.
Also, dead bodies which jumped over by black cats will be ストリゴイ according to the legend in Romania.

I am getting scary while thinking about vampires...........
wondering if i can sleep by myself tonight.....


My happiness is coming!

Hi, everyone!
how is your university life so far?
I have made lots of friends who are very nice to me!
I enjoy spending with them so much.

This time, I am going to write about my foreign friend who is gonna come to Japan in this summer.
He is my Vietnamese friend and he has already graguated from university in USA last year.
We met in Adelaide where i was staying for a year as an exchange student when i was 17 years old.
From May, he is going to stay in japan for six months! It's been a while to see him so I am very looking forward to seeing him in Tokyo!


My weekend!

Hi, there!
Did you have a good day?
Hope you have a good rest during the long weekend!

This time, I am going to write about my weekend:)
On Saturday, I did not go anywhere and just relaxed all day long at home.
I have got some work to do so i did them in order to have fun in the rest of the long weekend.
I did not finish all of them off after all...!

On Sunday, I have got lots of stuff from shopping;)
I went to Ikebukuro and walked around my favorite shops there.
I usually go by myself when i go out for shopping. Some people say it is strange, but i prefer going alone when i want to buy clothes!
Anyway, i did not have a lot of clothes, so i was getting trouble with my clothes every morning.
Going shopping is one of my favorite things to do. Although sometimes it takes very long time to decide to buy clothes, looking around and finding pretty clothes is really enjoyable:) I had good time today!

I still have a day off.
I think i need to work out my homework as soon as possiblex(!!!

See you on Tuesday, Everyone!


My poem:)

White Bed

The white bed calls to me.
Its sweet softness seduces my heart.

Oh, how i want to sleep with my fluffy pillow.
Oh, how i want take a pleasant dream.

Alas, I cannot.

Damn the university assignment!
Damn the university assignment!

Thank you.


My First Post!!!

Hi! I have just started my blog;)
I am going to post once a week from now on!
Hope you enjoy my writing!!
Thank you!